With nearly two decades of experience LBT Kft. has been providing singular expertise in the manufacture and supply of orthopedic health aids for the care of patients with locomotor dysfunction and those wishing to maintain or improve their health, as well as physicians. The company has been an active participant in the national health-care system as a supplier since 1993, both as a manufacturer and a merchant.
Ever since its establishment LBT has pionered in the orthopedic treatment of foot deformities, diabetic foot care, tending the needs of patients with cerebral palsy, as well as research into the most current medical aids. LBT’s name is associated with the development of numerous medical aids and their introduction on the domestic market.
Due to its extensive international network in orthopedic treatment and rehabilitation, LBT is the exclusive domestic representative for several orthopedic health-aid manufacturers. The company’s capacity to take precise measurements for orthotics nationwide, along with its manufacturing ability – orthopedic instruments, shoes, sewing – assures correct results for individual and/or special medical needs.
LBT manufactures and supplies a wide spectrum of medical aids that meet the complex needs of those working in the health-care profession as well as patients. In addition to products supported by the national health-care system, we offer a broad selection of medical aids for health-maintenance, prevention of future health problems, assistance with home-care, and sports.
Even health-conscious individuals often have little knowledge of these medical aids. Experts can give invaluable help in
- Providing information on the benefits of orthotics and appropriate shoes on our complete skeletal structure,
- The use of exercise tools on a daily basis to facilitate a healthy life-style,
- Emphasis on the positive effects of products to maintain health or the present condition, with special attention to the health of the foot,
- Familiarization with products to make home-care easier.LBT strives to establish a proper, mutually beneficial relationship with health-care professionals, as well as with patients. Modern medical aids that meet the requirements of patients make satisfied patients for doctors and offer a better quality of life for patients.
Let your patients be satisfied too with LBT’s medical health-aid products!